Parameter reference
Year in which the model starts
Type: int
Default: 2020
Can be false: False
Min: 1900
Max: 2100
Example usage:
Last year of the model run
Type: int
Default: 2150
Can be false: False
Min: 1901
Max: 2300
Example usage:
SSP, used for population, baseline GDP and baseline emissions
Type: enum
Default: SSP2
Can be false: False
Allowed values:
- SSP1
- SSP2
- SSP3
- SSP4
- SSP5
Example usage:
Pure rate of time preference
Type: float
Default: 0.015
Can be false: False
Min: 0
Max: 0.2
Example usage:
Elasticity of marginal utility
Type: float
Default: 1.001
Can be false: False
Min: 0.1
Max: 10
Example usage:
Parameter of inequality aversion. Should be between 0 and elasmu
. Only used when welfare_module='inequal_aversion_general'
Type: float
Default: 0.5
Can be false: False
Min: 0.0
Max: 3
Example usage:
Output elasticity of capital
Type: float
Default: 0.3
Can be false: False
Min: 0
Max: 1
Example usage:
depreciation of capital
Yearly depreciation rate of capital stock
Type: float
Default: 0.05
Can be false: False
Min: 0
Max: inf
Example usage:
Power factor of the MAC curve
Type: float
Default: 3
Can be false: False
Min: 0.01
Max: 10
Example usage:
Learning by doing rate (needs more explanation)
Type: float
Default: 0.82
Can be false: False
Min: 0.1
Max: 1
Example usage:
Calibration level of the MAC (carbon price for 100% reduction)
Type: quantity
Default: 2601 USD2005/tCO2
Can be false: False
Unit: currency_unit/emissionsrate_unit
Example usage:
regional calibration factor
Column from mac.csv to be used for the regional MACs. The MACs are calibrated from TIMER SSP2-RCP2.6 MACs at a given year and a given carbon price / abatement level.
Type: enum
Default: kappa_rel_abatement_0.75_2050
Can be false: False
Allowed values:
- kappa_carbonprice_200_2030
- kappa_carbonprice_200_2050
- kappa_carbonprice_200_2070
- kappa_carbonprice_200_2100
- kappa_carbonprice_300_2030
- kappa_carbonprice_300_2050
- kappa_carbonprice_300_2070
- kappa_carbonprice_300_2100
- kappa_carbonprice_500_2030
- kappa_carbonprice_500_2050
- kappa_carbonprice_500_2070
- kappa_carbonprice_500_2100
- kappa_carbonprice_1000_2030
- kappa_carbonprice_1000_2050
- kappa_carbonprice_1000_2070
- kappa_carbonprice_1000_2100
- kappa_rel_abatement_0.25_2030
- kappa_rel_abatement_0.25_2050
- kappa_rel_abatement_0.25_2070
- kappa_rel_abatement_0.25_2100
- kappa_rel_abatement_0.4_2030
- kappa_rel_abatement_0.4_2050
- kappa_rel_abatement_0.4_2070
- kappa_rel_abatement_0.4_2100
- kappa_rel_abatement_0.5_2050
- kappa_rel_abatement_0.5_2070
- kappa_rel_abatement_0.5_2100
- kappa_rel_abatement_0.75_2050
- kappa_rel_abatement_0.75_2070
- kappa_rel_abatement_0.75_2100
Example usage:
Minimum level of mitigation costs (rel to GDP). By default, this is 0: no negative abatement costs are allowed. For certain burden sharing regimes, this value can become negative to allow certain (small) financial transfers.
Type: float
Default: 0
Can be false: False
Min: -2
Max: 0
Example usage:
emission trade
min rel payment level
Which percentage of the area under the MAC of a region should it pay itself (minimum)? If false: no limt
Type: float
Default: False
Can be false: True
Min: 0
Max: 1
Example usage:
max rel payment level
Which percentage of the area under the MAC of a region should it pay itself (maximum)? If false: no limit
Type: float
Default: False
Can be false: True
Min: 1
Max: inf
Example usage:
percentage reversible
Factor of damages that are reversible
Type: float
Default: 1
Can be false: False
Min: 0
Max: 1
Example usage:
scale factor
Manual scaling factor to increase or decrease damages
Type: float
Default: 1
Can be false: False
Min: -inf
Max: inf
Example usage:
ignore damages
Flag to not take into account the damages in the GDP (but damages are calculated)
Type: bool
Default: False
Can be false: False
Example usage:
Damage quantile (Only used for COACCH)
Type: float
Default: 0.5
Can be false: False
Min: 0.025
Max: 0.975
Example usage:
Flag to use the SLR-with-Adapation damage functions (Only used for COACCH)
Type: bool
Default: True
Can be false: False
Example usage:
If true, do not model SLR damages separately from non-SLR, but use the combined damage functions (Only used for COACCH)
Type: bool
Default: False
Can be false: False
Example usage:
When adaptation level is fixed, keep it at this level (Only used for AD-RICE2010)
Type: float
Default: 0
Can be false: False
Min: 0
Max: 1
Example usage:
Flag to keep adaptation at fixed value (curr_level). (Only used for AD-RICE2010) If false: the adaptation level is endogenously optimised.
Type: bool
Default: False
Can be false: False
Example usage:
Value of the carbon budget. Example: "800 GtCO2" (the unit is important). If set to False, no carbon budget is imposed: this is cost-benefit mode. Default: False.
Type: quantity
Default: False
Can be false: True
Unit: emissions_unit
Example usage:
global min level
Limit on the emission level (globally), mostly used for negative emissions. Can also be false, then no limit is imposed
Type: quantity
Default: -20 GtCO2/yr
Can be false: True
Unit: emissionsrate_unit
Example usage:
regional min level
Limit on the emission level (per region), mostly used for negative emissions. Can also be false, then no limit is imposed
Type: quantity
Default: -10 GtCO2/yr
Can be false: True
Unit: emissionsrate_unit
Example usage:
not positive after budget year
If true, impose net-zero emissions after budget year (2100)
Type: bool
Default: True
Can be false: False
Example usage:
non increasing emissions after 2100
If true, the regional emissions after 2100 are not allowed to climb.
Type: bool
Default: True
Can be false: False
Example usage:
baseline carbon intensity
If true, use baseline carbon intensity to calculate baseline emissions. If false, the SSP baseline emissions are used, regardless of lower GDP.
Type: bool
Default: True
Can be false: False
Example usage:
Maximum reduction speed, in % of initial emissions (should be negative) Can also be false, then no inertia limit is imposed
Type: float
Default: False
Can be false: True
Min: -inf
Max: 0
Example usage:
Maximum reduction speed, in % of initial emissions (should be negative) Can also be false, then no inertia limit is imposed
Type: float
Default: -0.05
Can be false: True
Min: -inf
Max: 0
Example usage:
If true, calculate cumulative emissions using trapezoidal interpolation. If false, cum. emissions are simply cum_emissions[t-1] + dt * cum_emissions[t]. This is less accurate, but better for numerical stability. For small dt the approximation is usually still acceptable.
Type: bool
Default: True
Can be false: False
Example usage:
burden sharing
Type of burden sharing to be used
Type: enum
Default: noregime
Can be false: False
Allowed values:
- noregime
- equal_mitigation_costs
- equal_total_costs
- per_cap_convergence
- per_cap_convergence_fake
Example usage:
Year of convergence to per capita emission allowance (only used when burden sharing - regime is per_cap_convergence) Can also be false, then always use grandfathering
Type: float
Default: 2050
Can be false: True
Min: 2020
Max: 2200
Example usage:
Temperature in initial year of model run (2020 by default).
Type: quantity
Default: 1.16 delta_degC
Can be false: False
Unit: temperature_unit
Example usage:
Transient Climate Response to CO2 Emissions
Type: quantity
Default: 0.62 delta_degC/(TtCO2)
Can be false: False
Unit: (temperature_unit)/(emissions_unit)
Example usage:
damage module
Damage module to be used
Type: enum
Default: COACCH
Can be false: False
Allowed values:
- RICE2010
- RICE2012
Example usage:
emissiontrade module
Emission trade module to be used
Type: enum
Default: notrade
Can be false: False
Allowed values:
- notrade
- globalcostpool
- emissiontrade
Example usage:
financialtransfer module
Financial transfer module to be used
Type: enum
Default: notransfer
Can be false: False
Allowed values:
- notransfer
- globaldamagepool
Example usage:
welfare module
Welfare and utility module to be used
Type: enum
Default: welfare_loss_minimising
Can be false: False
Allowed values:
- welfare_loss_minimising
- cost_minimising
- inequal_aversion_general
Example usage:
Name of the region definition. Used in the mapping of the regional parameters.
Type: enum
Default: IMAGE26
Can be false: False
Allowed values:
- SSP5
- World
Example usage:
List of region types and their conversion tables. Only used for regional parameters, not for aggregating or disaggregating variables or other output.
Type: list
Default: [{'regionstype1': 'IMAGE26', 'regionstype2': 'COACCH', 'conversiontable': 'inputdata/regions/IMAGE26_COACCH.csv'}, {'regionstype1': 'IMAGE26', 'regionstype2': 'ADRICE2010', 'conversiontable': 'inputdata/regions/IMAGE26_ADRICE2010.csv'}, {'regionstype1': 'IMAGE26', 'regionstype2': 'ADRICE2012', 'conversiontable': 'inputdata/regions/IMAGE26_ADRICE2012.csv'}]
Can be false: False
Example usage:
params = load_params()
params["regionsmappings"] = [{'regionstype1': 'IMAGE26', 'regionstype2': 'COACCH', 'conversiontable': 'inputdata/regions/IMAGE26_COACCH.csv'}, {'regionstype1': 'IMAGE26', 'regionstype2': 'ADRICE2010', 'conversiontable': 'inputdata/regions/IMAGE26_ADRICE2010.csv'}, {'regionstype1': 'IMAGE26', 'regionstype2': 'ADRICE2012', 'conversiontable': 'inputdata/regions/IMAGE26_ADRICE2012.csv'}]
model = MIMOSA(params)
Dictionary of regional parameter files. If the regionstype of the file is different from the regionstype of the model, the file is converted using the regionsmappings
Type: dict
Default: {'economics': {'filename': 'inputdata/params/economics.csv', 'regionstype': 'IMAGE26'}, 'MAC': {'filename': 'inputdata/params/mac.csv', 'regionstype': 'IMAGE26'}, 'COACCH': {'filename': 'inputdata/params/COACCH.csv', 'regionstype': 'COACCH'}, 'ADRICE2010': {'filename': 'inputdata/params/ADRICE2010.csv', 'regionstype': 'ADRICE2010'}, 'ADRICE2012': {'filename': 'inputdata/params/ADRICE2012.csv', 'regionstype': 'ADRICE2012'}}
Can be false: False
Example usage:
params = load_params()
params["regional_parameter_files"] = {'economics': {'filename': 'inputdata/params/economics.csv', 'regionstype': 'IMAGE26'}, 'MAC': {'filename': 'inputdata/params/mac.csv', 'regionstype': 'IMAGE26'}, 'COACCH': {'filename': 'inputdata/params/COACCH.csv', 'regionstype': 'COACCH'}, 'ADRICE2010': {'filename': 'inputdata/params/ADRICE2010.csv', 'regionstype': 'ADRICE2010'}, 'ADRICE2012': {'filename': 'inputdata/params/ADRICE2012.csv', 'regionstype': 'ADRICE2012'}}
model = MIMOSA(params)
Dictionary of all regions with optional dictionaries defining, optionally, manual values for certain parameters for that specific region.
Type: dict
Default: {'CAN': None, 'USA': None, 'MEX': None, 'RCAM': None, 'BRA': None, 'RSAM': None, 'NAF': None, 'WAF': None, 'EAF': None, 'SAF': None, 'WEU': None, 'CEU': None, 'TUR': None, 'UKR': None, 'STAN': None, 'RUS': None, 'ME': None, 'INDIA': None, 'KOR': None, 'CHN': None, 'SEAS': None, 'INDO': None, 'JAP': None, 'OCE': None, 'RSAS': None, 'RSAF': None}
Can be false: False
Example usage:
params = load_params()
params["regions"] = {'CAN': None, 'USA': None, 'MEX': None, 'RCAM': None, 'BRA': None, 'RSAM': None, 'NAF': None, 'WAF': None, 'EAF': None, 'SAF': None, 'WEU': None, 'CEU': None, 'TUR': None, 'UKR': None, 'STAN': None, 'RUS': None, 'ME': None, 'INDIA': None, 'KOR': None, 'CHN': None, 'SEAS': None, 'INDO': None, 'JAP': None, 'OCE': None, 'RSAS': None, 'RSAF': None}
model = MIMOSA(params)
Path to IAMC-formatted CSV file for baseline data
Type: filepath
Default: inputdata/data/data_IMAGE_SSP.csv
Can be false: False
Example usage:
Scenario name of SSP1 baseline
Type: str
Default: SSP1-Ref-SPA0-V17
Can be false: False
Example usage:
Scenario name of SSP2 baseline
Type: str
Default: SSP2-Ref-SPA0-V17
Can be false: False
Example usage:
Scenario name of SSP3 baseline
Type: str
Default: SSP3-Ref-SPA0-V17
Can be false: False
Example usage:
Scenario name of SSP4 baseline
Type: str
Default: SSP4-Ref-SPA0-V17
Can be false: False
Example usage:
Scenario name of SSP5 baseline
Type: str
Default: SSP5-Ref-SPA0-V17
Can be false: False
Example usage:
Variable name for GDP in data file
Type: enum
Default: GDP|PPP
Can be false: False
Allowed values:
Example usage:
Variable name for emissions variable
Type: str
Default: Emissions|CO2
Can be false: False
Example usage:
If true, the model is run in simulation mode: then some variables will be imposed exogenously and fixed. If false, constraint_variables
and deactivated_constraints
are ignored.
Type: bool
Default: False
Can be false: False
Example usage:
Dictionary of variable names with associated path to file containing values for that variable
Type: dict
Default: None
Can be false: False
Example usage:
List of constraint names to be disabled
Type: list
Default: None
Can be false: False
Example usage: